In Focus - Issue 25 (Summer 2014)

20th Anniversary CBME: Secrets of Success IELM: Focus on the Future The year 2013 marked the 20th anniversary of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBME). Celebrations took place over the whole year, kicking off with the staff New Year dinner, followed by the Joint Dean/Head of Department Symposium of Chinese Chemical Engineering Schools/ Departments, featuring guest lectures from prominent chemical engineers including Sir C K Chow, Chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, and Prof Phillip R Westmoreland, President of American Institute of Chemical Engineers. A grand celebration party was held on October 5, attended by around 200 students, staff, alumni and guests from other units of HKUST, industry and academia. A congratulatory message from President Prof Tony F Chan was read at the party by Acting Dean of Engineering Prof Roger Cheng, while Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Dr Eden Y Woon delivered a speech of felicitations. During the banquet, Head of Department Prof Guohua Chen revealed the secrets behind its success over the past 20 years: strong networks, leadership from the University and support from other units, commitment from faculty and staff, continuous grants from government and industry, excellent teaching, research and development output, outstanding performances of students and alumni, skillful facilitation and dedicated service from all former Heads of Department. Faculty and staff serving the Department for more than 20 years were honored with long service awards, and three retired faculty members received excellent contribution awards. Presentations of appreciation for industrial support were made to Chiaphua Industries, Lee Hysan Foundation and Air Products (HK) for their generous donations and creating opportunities for student internships and research collaborations. The Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM) has turned 20! In celebration of its success over the past two decades, an anniversary forum and commemorative dinner were held on September 28, 2013. More than 200 faculty members, staff, alumni and current students congregated for the dinner. In his remarks, Department Head Prof Fugee Tsung focused on the future, noting that he truly believed that education should adopt a holistic approach to build on existing departmental strengths while also using innovative and interdisciplinary approaches. Clifford Ng, one of the original Industrial Engineering Department students in 1993 and currently an IELM Faculty Industry Advisor and Asia Director of Quality at Microsoft Corporation, shared his experiences of the early days at HKUST and how these influenced his career path. Prof Guohua Chen, Department Head of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Prof Christopher Leung, Department Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering, joined the celebration as guests of honor. HKUST President Prof Tony F Chan and founding Head of Department Prof Mitchell Tseng delivered messages via video. Talented alumni and students entertained guests: dual degree student Kenny Lam (see also P7-8) played the treble recorder, while IELM alumna Vanessa Wong and HKUST alumna Dominica Tse gave a beautiful dance performance. The lucky draw proved very popular, with prizes sponsored by GP Electronics (HK) Limited and the Esquel Group. A 20th anniversary publication and video that review the milestones and reflect upon the continuous innovations and latest developments of IELM are available. Check them out at 29 IN FOCUS