In Focus - Issue 24 (Fall 2013)

IN FOCUS 8 Community Service Samantha Wing Man Kong BEng, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (2014) HKUST Alumni Endowment Fund Service Awardee The turning point for me was going abroad to high school in Malaysia. During that time, I learned to be independent and became involved in various service activities in order to meet new friends and adapt to my new home. This enhanced my communication skills and interaction with people. I started to become a more outgoing and cheerful person, and curious about different cultures and countries. Since joining HKUST, I have participated in student activities, serving as a head student ambassador for the University and a peer mentor in the School of Engineering. Joining the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge with two School of Business and Management teammates – and winning! – was another great experience. Given Hong Kong’s aging population, we came up with the idea of Eldpathy (empathy for the elderly). Participants find out what life For To Hung, the trip helped to change his worldview. “Prior to going to Nepal, my community service had been locally based. Now I think I will join more activities outside Hong Kong. I also value what I have in Hong Kong much more.” The two students were supported by the School of Engineering’s Center for Global & Community Engagement, which encourages students to engage in community service in different parts of the world. is like for people in their 70s by donning a specially designed suit and undertaking a series of challenges that show them the difficulties faced by elderly people. We also provide a platform for participants to join voluntary services to help seniors. I am not only interested in local issues, but also took part in the G20 Youth Summit in Russia in April, giving me a way to discuss global issues with people from around the world. Short exchanges involving entrepreneurship, leadership, and voluntary services in the US, Singapore, Hangzhou, Beijing and Xi’an have also broadened my outlook. Through community service, I have learned to be more open-minded and listen to different opinions. Long-lasting friendships can also be developed when people share the same goals and vision to improve the lives of others. Samantha was one of the first three students honored by the HKUST Alumni Endowment Fund Service Award, launched in 2012/13 to recognize students who have demonstrated strong commitment and leadership in volunteer services and have a proven track record in contributing to the community.