In Focus - Issue 24 (Fall 2013)

5 IN FOCUS Young Kiki Danhui Cheng Mainland China PhD, Bioengineering Research area: microbial engineering 5 IN F Curious about industry and fortunate to be chosen for an internship at Dow Chemical in Suzhou during my third year at Tsinghua University, I spent six weeks in the company’s Manufacturing and Engineering Department. It was a great experience in a leading global enterprise but it clarified that a corporate job was not for me immediately after graduation. On returning to Tsinghua, my realization inspired me to join research labs, first in the School of Life Science, then in the Department of Chemical Engineering. My final year project monitored the diversity and dynamic shifts of microbial communities during bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil, winning a Tsinghua FYP excellence award and ranking second in a departmental evaluation, all of which encouraged me to continue my research. I have met friends from all over the world at HKUST. Hong Kong appealed as my next move for three main reasons: the top international reputation established by HKUST, the cosmopolitan nature of the city, and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. In 2010, I joined Prof I-Ming Hsing’s group in the Bioengineering Program at HKUST School of Engineering as one of Hong Kong’s first Fellowship awardees. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the School of Engineering is the overseas exposure. Indeed, attending the International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology in Sapporo, Japan, in my first year provided the inspiration for my current thesis on engineering photosynthetic bacteria for protein expression and bioelectricity generation. I feel passionate about exploring this area as it enables me to learn how to harness solar energy and make valuable applications from the designs of Nature. I represented the School in the 1st Annual Global Health Sector Interdisciplinary Case Competition hosted by Boston University in November 2012. This was a great chance to learn about technology transfer. In addition, I have met friends from all over the world at HKUST, including keen musicians like me. This year, with the support of Prof Hsing, I applied for the prestigious RGC-Fulbright Junior Research Award and was very happy to become one of the eight Hong Kong recipients. As a result, I will go on exchange to MIT for six months. I’m really grateful to have the opportunity and am looking forward to making additional progress at this top global research institution. Engineers Miss & Mr Three high-powered research postgraduates, all Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme awardees, discuss the rewards of student life at the School of Engineering and the awesome joys of discovery Edwin Kiki