In Focus - Issue 24 (Fall 2013)

IN FOCUS 28 In April, IEI’s inaugural industrial forum entitled “Empowering Our Engineering Talents for Globalized Technology Industries” was held on campus, enabling industry leaders to engage directly with students. Multinational company executives at the event included Ms Umran Beba, President of Asia Pacific Region, PepsiCo; Ir Dr Andrew K C Chan, Deputy Chairman, Arup Group; Mr Christopher Gibbs, Engineering Director, Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd; and Mr Henry Kwong Hang Leung, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, Gold Peak Batteries International Ltd. Among the top pieces of advice provided by forum speakers were for students to be flexible and willing, to work at developing their communication skills, and to make the most of all the broadening experiences available in their university life. President Prof Tony F Chan also shared his insights into how academic institutions cultivate students to meet the needs of global societies. An open forum following the speeches generated thought-provoking discussion among students, faculty and speakers. Over 250 participants attended, including more than 50 representatives from industry. Engaging Global Industry Leaders Greater ties between students and industry are being sought to generate more insight on both sides through the School’s frontrunning Center for Industry Engagement & Internship (IEI). The initiative includes wider understanding of career opportunities for engineering graduates in fields and sectors not previously targeted by the School’s students, such as jobs in the financial industry. IEI was set up in Fall 2012 as part of the School’s emphasis on holistic learning. One major enrichment objective is to boost internship opportunities. In 2011, 32% of engineering students at the School undertook an internship. The goal of IEI is to increase this to 50% by 2015. The Center has participated in the Project “ETHICS” internship program, organized by Virtus Foundation Ltd and offering internships in Hong Kong and Mainland China research institutions and enterprises to Hong Kong university undergraduates, and the Cyberport Hong Kong-Shanghai ICT Internship Program. The Center also promotes mentorship through experience-sharing with industry experts, and organizes trips to companies outside Hong Kong. Earlier this year, IEI arranged for students to visit several major companies in Silicon Valley in the US. An exchange program with Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is due to be launched later this year, with students from each institution spending time at the partner campus. In addition, a job search Android and iPhone app called Mobile IEI has been designed by the Center to streamline the latest job offerings and recruitment information for School of Engineering students. Prof Patrick Yue, Founding Director of the Center, said that IEI leveraged the School of Engineering’s international reputation and the faculty’s extensive industrial connections to promote internship and recruitment. “We believe that early exposure to the professional world will broaden students’ horizons and enrich their university education.” Early Experience of the Working World