In Focus - Issue 24 (Fall 2013)

IN FOCUS 22 The innovative “Global Manufacturing” joint course, initiated in 1995, matches highly motivated Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management students from the School of Engineering solving authentic business problems with peers from Stanford University’s Department of Management Science and Engineering. The course has inspired a new cadre of manufacturing engineers and initiated constructive contributions to several companies, which have responded through upgrades and reorganization. Prof Fugee Tsung and Prof Emily Au engage students by offering opportunities to experience different facets of industry perspective with challenging situations presenting contrasting solutions. Negotiation and communication skills, invaluable traits for Boosting Research Students’ Professional Skills Sporty ECE HKUST-Stanford Joint Course Fosters Global Vision today’s business practice, are honed to persuade team members to adopt specific solutions. Focused and selective case studies encourage lateral thinking, in-depth discussion and an appreciation of the global stage. Tomorrow’s leaders are nurtured in a challenging and intellectual environment. Students are divided into four diverse teams, each operating with a leading partner enterprise to conduct research and analysis on company specific challenges. Apart from hands-on experience in applying theoretical knowledge to practical problem solving, students master effective teamwork and the ability to network with various levels of management. Research includes key areas of production, retail, logistics and supply chain management. Businesses this year focused on travel, garments, software and IT. HKUST students received inclusive sponsorship and met their Stanford peers in January where collectively they researched current challenges. Stanford students returned later to HKUST, with solutions presented to company executives of the four partner organizations. Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE) faculty and students have shown their top teamwork capabilities and healthy attitude toward life with a number of firsts in sporting events. The ECE Football Team won the Championship in the HKUST Intramural Football Competition 2012-13, and ECE Sports Team was Second Runner-up in the overall sports competition. In the testing 100km Oxfam Trailwalker charity event, ECE@HKUST came first in the education sector with a time of 28 hours and 27 minutes, and ECE2@HKUST finished sixth in 33 hours and 32 minutes. Meanwhile, 170 students attended a seminar in April where Prof James She, Prof Bert Shi and Prof C Y Tsui discussed the use of ECE technologies in sports, such as motion analysis tools and goal-line technology, and how to integrate data collected from such devices through mobile platform and social media. T he Professional Development Committee, which provides opportunities for research postgraduate students to enhance their professional skills, celebrated its first anniversary in the Spring. Set up by the School of Engineering’s forward-looking Center for Engineering Education Innovation, the committee has arranged courses and industrial visits, including leadership training workshops for visiting students from Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University, and an industrial visit to Cathay Pacific Airways Limited. Research postgraduates from the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka have served on the committee, offering input on postgraduate education and professional development. The School is also offering a new Professional Development Course for research students in the Fall, which will include research ethics, entrepreneurship, and communication.