In Focus - Issue 23 (Spring 2013)

acquired by the various teams in half of 2012: Award Team - Championship, Robocon Best Engineering Award, teams Best Artistic Design Award - First Runner-up Third Class Award Smart Car First Runner-up and Remotely HK Technopreneur Award Operated Vehicle Second Runner-up Remotely Operated Vehicle Best Idea Award Robocon Lenovo Innovation Remotely Award and Finalist Operated Vehicle Gold Award Remotely Operated Vehicle Widy’s enthusiasm for robotics started in junior high school, with a course on electronics which featured robotics as one of the topics. He became curious how simple electronic equipment could perform powerful functions. He was also fascinated by the usefulness of robots, for example, in moving objects around and collecting data. Someone who always enjoys a challenge, Widy (as he is usually called)decided to apply to HKUST because he wanted to experience a new environment outside his home country of Indonesia. On starting at the University, the HKUST Robotics Team caught his attention. Although he initially had doubts about his knowledge of robotics, he learned from talking to team members that the basics would be taught. It wasn’t all straightforward at the beginning, but rather than give up, Widy tried to take part in meetings and basic work. Eventually, his efforts paid off. When he saw his robot functioning well, it brought a tremendous sense of achievement, he said. In addition to obtaining great satisfaction from the HKUST Robotics Team’s remarkable achievements, Henry has found his attitude toward life has also changed. With numerous school projects to fit in and the Robocon Team internal competition all at the same time, it meant managing on three to four hours’ sleep at night. Yet Henry persisted. “Giving up means an immediate end and instantaneous failure,” he said. “If I never give up, I will succeed one day.” In addition, Henry has become more courageous in trying new approaches. “Creativity is unlimited. Through trial and error, we can find good alternatives, which can then be applied in competitions,” he said. Andreas Widy - Santa Laurensia Senior High School, Serpong, Indonesia - BEng student, Electronic and Computer Engineering Hoi Lam Chan - Buddhist Tai Hung College - BEng in Computer Engineering 2012 - MPhil student, Electronic and Computer Engineering Spirit obocon Hong Kong Contest in 2004 e on to become leading contenders etitive circuit. The HKUST Robotics ajor areas — Robocon, Remotely d RoboCup — and more than 70 am supervisor Prof Kam Tim Woo, Engagement Program. Additions family are always welcome. Before joining the HKUST Robotics Team, Tak was a quiet, retiring person. As team members are required to take an active role, at first he had to force himself to speak and ask more. Later, he found this to be a good change and became more willing to express his opinions. With the encouragement of senior members, he is now more outgoing. He also found he gained much more than friends. Through training and competitions, Tak acquired presentation skills and greater independence. He had never previously thought of making a robot himself but through his work with the team, he discovered the power of passion to motivate him to achieve great things. The first competition Tak took part in was held in Thailand, where he learned to treat the contest as an exchange of technical skills and culture. Another important turning point was the HKUST Robotics Team tradition of senior members teaching junior ones. Seeing the transformation of new members from knowing nothing to learning a great deal made a deep impression, he said. Independence and social skills Personal challenge and persistence Motivation and courage otics Lung Tak Ho - AD & FD POHL Leung Sing Tak College - BEng student, Computer Engineering Tak Henry Widy IN FOCUS 10