HKUST Entrepreneurship Minor

Application Procedures for ENTR4901-4


ENTR4901-4 enrollment requirements

Students should note the following when they apply for this series of course:

  1. A Project should be carried out by 2-3 students (preferably from different departments), and advised by a faculty member. Please note that for each student, the total accumulated credits for ENTR4901-4 cannot exceed 6 credits AND the total number of times one may take ENTR4901-4 cannot exceed 4. 

  1. Students should be advised by a faculty member. Before course enrollment, they should meet with the faculty to discuss their proposal, including the scope of work to be carried out, the approaches, workload/credit load, and the assessment methods. Please note that the same project should not be carried out in any other course(s) that students are enrolled in.

  2. In order to facilitate your project discussion with faculty member, below please find a proposal template for your reference and perusal. Please also nominate a contact person for your group and state clearly in the proposal.

  1. After receiving confirmation from the faculty member, the contact person should send the proposal (cc the faculty member) to (for SSCI student), (for SENG student), or (for SBM student) (you may send your email to any account if you are from other Schools) for further action and record. The course administrator shall approve your request via SIS system upon receiving your confirmation. Please be reminded to send us the confirmation email and apply on SIS before 5pm of last day of add/drop period of each semester.

Project Proposal for ENTR4901-4 Student-led Entrepreneurship Acceleration Project

1.              Course Description of ENTR4901-4:

Many successful IT startups begin in university years. This is a project course led by students to accelerate their entrepreneurship endeavor under the guidance and advice of a faculty member. Students work in team of size 2 to 3 to develop an idea from its scratch to become viable in market. In the process, students work on ideation, prototyping, making presentations, developing operation strategies, conducting experimental trials, designing market survey, collecting user feedbacks, writing business plan, and soft-launching and pivoting the product or services. Written reports, presentations, and/or business/operation plan are required. May be repeated for credits if different topics are taken. Instructor's approval is required for enrollment in the course.


2.              Course Intended Learning Outcome(s) of ENTR4901-4:

[CILO-1] Select and compare a range of possible approaches for an entrepreneurship endeavor

[CILO-2] Summarize the finding, write reports or plans, and make presentation on a venture

[CILO-3] Integrate appropriate technical knowledge, business decision-making skills and user feedbacks to evaluate the survivability of an entrepreneurial pursuit and its impact to society

[CILO-4] Design, implement and evaluate an endeavor as a team to align with business/operation strategies

[CILO-5] Recognize and act upon opportunities for building an enterprise and personal business network

3.              Details of members :



Student Name

Student ID

Program of Study

e.g. BEng (COMP)

ITSC Account

Year of Study

1. (Contact person)














3. (if any)








4.              Project Details:

a)     Advisor (Faculty member) and Department:

b)     Project title:

c)     Project description and objectives:

d)    Credit hours: [In assigning credit hours, the benchmark is that one credit hour corresponds to a total student workload of 40 to 50 hours in the semester, including both contact hours and assignments.]

e)    Assessment methods and deliverables:

HKUST Entrepreneurship Minor